Unlocking History Concept uri


Preferred label

diamond lock tip 

Alternative label

diamond tip; pressed down into a diamond lock tip


Scope note

A penguin head lock tip variation in which the tip is squeezed and folded so that it lies at a 90 degree angle to the rest of the lock, is pushed through a slit, then is opened up and flattened into a diamond shape.

Top concept



Broader/Parent concept

penguin head lock tip        


Related concept    

Distinctive letterlocking style      


The Arts & Architecture ThesaurusⓇ Online, The Getty Research Institute. Concept uri

Not in AAT        

The Language of Bindings Thesaurus (LoB) Concept uri

Not in LoB

Scope note source reference


Jana Dambrogio, Daniel Starza Smith, and the Unlocking History Research Group. Letterlocking, The Hidden History of the Letter. Cambridge and London: MIT Press, 2025.

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