Preferred label
Signature box
Alternative label
Scope note
A panel on a substrate made by folding, used as a writing guide for a signature. Some of the creases that demarcate a signature box may result from folds made as letterlocking manipulations, but at least one fold will be a writing manipulation made specifically to create space for the signature. A famous user of signature boxes was Elizabeth I, whose scribes prepared documents for her elaborate signature.
Parent concept
Writing manipulation
Related concept
The Arts & Architecture ThesaurusⓇ Online, The Getty Research Institute. Concept uri
Not in AAT
The Language of Bindings Thesaurus (LoB) Concept uri
Not in LoB
Scope note source reference
Jana Dambrogio, Daniel Starza Smith, and the Unlocking History Research Group. Letterlocking, The Hidden History of the Letter. Cambridge and London: MIT Press, 2025.