Preferred label
Alternative label
Scope note
A style of letterlocking referred to directly by Elizabeth I, but unattested. She requested that a letter be refolded “in a small plight like those of her own hand, and so sealed” (Sir Thomas Lake to Robert Cecil Earl of Salisbury, 28 January 1596, Hatfield, Cecil Papers, vol. 6, p. 31 entry 67).
Parent concept
Related concept
Distinctive letterlocking style
The Arts & Architecture ThesaurusⓇ Online, The Getty Research Institute. Concept uri
Not in AAT
The Language of Bindings Thesaurus (LoB) Concept uri
Not in LoB
Scope note source reference
Jana Dambrogio, Daniel Starza Smith, and the Unlocking History Research Group. Letterlocking, The Hidden History of the Letter. Cambridge and London: MIT Press, 2025.
Unlocking History Concept uri